Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Send Cheese

Samson Because I've got plenty of whine to go around.

Wait a minute...do I hear violins? They must be either really far away or really small because the sound is kind of faint.

Today I woke up and asked myself, "What can I do today that will ensure I don't have to work tonight?"

And myself replied, "Be productive?"

Because I'm a bit of a smarty pants.

"The sarcasm isn't helping anyone," I reminded myself.

Then I proceeded to spend two hours messing with my blog template, only to revert back to my current one.

See I found out Blogger made it easier to use your own background image, which is something I've been wanting for ages. But when I jumped on it I discovered you can only use it with their new templates. Which means I have to jettison all the hard work I did learning HTML to customize my current template (not that it's the most sterling example of website design, by it's mine). And when I switched to a new template I had to reset all my colors, and some of the images in my sidebars were too big, so I had to reset the sidebar widths, which made the center/main column too narrow, but it's kind of narrow anyway. And maybe it's time to clean the blog up and ditch some of those badges anyway. But I wasn't ready to cut the cord and by then it was lunchtime.

So I reverted back to my old template and trotted up the hill to meet Hubby in the cafeteria.

Maybe a daily pledge is in order?
My extreme lack of blogging lately should be an indication to you that I still don't have a handle on my daily schedule.

Oh, I've got plenty to say, I'm just not making the time to say it. The lack of blogging is starting to wear on me.

See when I started the blog I worked in an office and often ate lunch sitting at my desk. This made it easy to blog during my lunch hour.

Now that I'm working from home my days are much more fluid. I get up in the morning and think, "Oh let me just check Facebook." Then I check Twitter and think since I'm here I might as well check all my e-mails, then I start doing work. Suddenly it's 9am and I'm still in my pajamas.

As I've already mentioned I'm not eating lunch in a cubicle anymore. I'm meeting Hubby, which gives me some human contact during the day, then coming home and taking the pups out. After all that I feel like I've taken such a long lunch that I should get back to work.

And still I find myself working at 8 o'clock at night. Yet in all that time on the computer I don't manage to blog.

Obviously I need to set a "blog time." At a certain time every day I'll stop everything and blog.

In the past I never felt compelled to do one of those blog every day for a month challenges because I thought I was a pretty consistent blogger. Well, times have changes and I might need the discipline. Structure?

Speaking of Structure
Although I'm loving not having a car commute I realize now that it bracketed the day and divided it into nice little compartments. Rush around in the morning, get in the car for an hour, be at work, drive home for an hour, be home in the evening to relax. Work was left at the office.

Now it is far to easy to decide to do domestic things or run errands during the day, but then of course that time has to be made up in the evening. Which ends up cutting into my knitting time.

The only comfort is that Hubby is also trying to balance a new schedule and work conditions. His old school provided him with a laptop. He did all his work on it and carried it everywhere. This school provided a desktop in his office and another in his classroom. He has to get accustomed to doing all his work up in his office instead of here at the house so he's a bit unsettled too.

That's your complaint?
Yes, they are all good problems to have.

Oh, woe is me, I work from home with my lovely puppies and I can't seem to arrange my own hours nicely. whaa whaa whaa.

See, the sarcasm doesn't help at all.

So that's my excuse for neglecting the blog lately. I shall be more diligent about making updates going forward.

I might even get the template sorted out.

In the mean time, I have to go be productive now.


  1. I'm pretty much in the same boat. Let me know how you solve your dilemma, since I'm hopeless. I do envy you, however.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your small world story too! Looking forward to reading your blog now more too! I love knitting and dogs as well so we already have much in common. :) I used to crochet a lot too!
