Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gaming My Own System

On your toes I just haven't been feeling the blogging mojo lately.

If you've been keeping track, we were indeed at the end of an issue cycle at work, which usually throws my blogging off track. Can't blog during lunch when you aren't really taking lunch!

Also, I became suddenly disenchanted with all three of my current projects. Oh, I was still knitting on them listlessly, but it was just plain knitting. Nothing exciting to blog about there.

I feel especially bad for the Tartan Argyle Socks. That whole Moccasin sock technique experiment really through them for a loop. I haven't worked on them much since. And I've been wanting to make them for so long.

Looks like I need to get some project focus going on. Three WIPs must be too distracting.

What New Yarn?
In the mean time. Yes, that is a new ball of yarn. No, I haven't fallen off my yarn diet.

Remember when I made that sweater for my cousin's baby?

And I had bought four skeins of yarn, but only used three?

Well, The Store's policy is store credit on unused yarn within 45 days. That was incentive to knit faster.

I was able to exchange the fourth ball for this ball of On Your Toes sock yarn. Well, I did have to chip in a few dollars for the price difference, but not enough to notice.

It's White
I know when I introduced the idea of the Polka Dot Socks I said I really wanted a white base, but buying new white yarn would be silly and impractical.

I was going to be noble and use either the green or blue yarn I already owned as a base.

Well, I really wasn't thrilled with that idea. I wanted a white base!

So this was the perfect opportunity to get around my own rules and still have my way.

Of course, I have to finish the Tartan Socks before I can run off starting the Polka Dot socks.

Guess I better get knitting.

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