Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What's the Point?

Really, between no pictures from the weekend and working on a stealth projects, there isn't much to say.
However, Hubby told me this morning he brought the camera home last night so I can rescue my pictures, so I should be back on track tomorrow. (Wouldn't have mattered if he told me last night, I had a raging headache and was in bed by 9:30. I'm feeling much better now. Although my harmless head cold from last week seems to have slipped down to my chest. cough.)

Politics, again
The only other thing I have to say is I saw on interview on CNN.com with Chris Dodd where he is quoted as saying, "I'm not going to write this at the end of the day [and] watch a handful of chief executives walk away with multimillion-dollar contracts."
So even though he hasn't responded to my e-mail from the other day, he's in line with what I want.
Still no actual responses though.

And have I pointed out lately that my puppies are adorable? This is an old picture, but I still like it. Just trying to distract you. crazy puppies no red eye
Hubby has announced the noble goal of not turning on the heat until at least October. Both pups are spending more of the night on the bed with us. I guess they get chilly too.


  1. Hi Puppies!!

    9:30 p.m.? That's the middle of the night for me! Seriously, though, I get up at 4:30, so I try to make it to bed by 8:30 at the latest. Lately it has been more like 7:30.... Hopefully science is right and I'll need less than 8 hours the older I get! :)

    Can't wait to see the stealth projects revealed in time..
